Mylove, mylover, myone, myonly, myend.

Stupid silly mistakes ?
Ah , whatever . Went t sch t tak timetable and .. 3 forms ??Meet cheryl @ hse dwnstairs , off t sch . Courtyard , un-luckily' our class was sitting under e BRIGHT sun . Head , body , bag was burning . And went bk t class ' 3rd storey . Hm , was okay .

And our form teacher , erm mr tan and mr rawf ? Whatever rawf lah . -.- i also dk . LOL ? After sch , off t bookshop w Cheryl . She wana buy e chinese books thingy . Thn here come e big-eye woman '' Erm , (no offence) . Eh , ite she paisae ley . And hsh w Cheryl .

2010 would be better , *(hope so la !)

Haircut :X
Today morning , went t cousin hse . Around evening , hsh . Thn went t gp , cut hair ' Hahas , cut till very funny :X Tmr need t go sch @ 10 , t tak time-table . Tired ! woots , today traning canceled as alot people cant mak it . (: hahas ~

Hms , today 10++ wake up , prep go shopping w parents . Went t Town shop shop . The carpark fees so ex lorh ! 1 hour = $3 . LOL ? Thn we shop like for 4 hours .Lunch @ Orchard , thn continu shopping . Bought one grey dress only -.- Wanted t buy shoes , & another set of clothes . Bt didnt find any . ): sad sad .

Thn head bk t jp , shop around . Cant find anything leh 0.o sad again . Thn dinner @ lai lai kitchen . HEHES :X Thn jiu hsh le . Reach home around 8 . bathed le , jiu tv . Thn comp . (: Alrights , better sleep early today :X tmr gt training . Hais , tired ...

True ?
Ytd , Went out w Cheryl , Daryl & Chunhwee . Meet Cheryl , @ hse downstair . Thn meet Chunhwee @ bus-stop . Thn head t jp . Reached le , immediately buy ticket . (Avatar 3d - $13 / ) Hellxzx man , so expensive -.- E movie was lik 3 hrs man , sit till butt also suan liao =X hehes .

Thn shop around jp . Go in kiddy-palace dwn there play . lik small children (: Hehes , fun lorh . Thn around 5++ jiu head home le , cause need rush for cousin's party . reached home , bathed . Thn head t cousin hse . Reached le , giv present . thn steamboat. Didnt eat much . o.o Thn watch e 'dan wo men tong zai yi qi ' @ mio-tv .

Ah ! i hate that man which fight w taishan man ! -.- Angrydieeme ~! Thn afterthat around 12 le , jiu hsh . (: Tmr going out shopping w family . (: Woots .

Is that still known as coincidence ?
ah ! Morning , daddy was painting e hse . Didnt lend a helping hand . :X ops ? hahas . Had breakfast thn lunch . (: Hais , so sian . My phone is nt working . I cant read my texts ! (20 msg'es) -.- Hellxzx. Hm , mum says lata mayb heading t Bishan fix my phone . *Nvm lah mum , jus buy a new phone . woots . (: Teehhee ~

&& : dun text me till for this week , as my phone is spoilt . -.- aw , cant read my text'es . PEKCHEK !

&& i luv you .
Today morning woke up early , thn head t work . Get pay , thn after work head t kfc w Kimberly & Hongyin . Thn lata me , hongyin & pearlyn went t jp . thn meet mummy . She was super long -.- Thn she reached le , Ben call me say he saw me . Bt i bo saw him 0.o Thn mummy & me head t west mall . Shop around .

Thn head bk t jp . Shop around . Didnt found my phone ): Sad diee me ! Thn dinner @ duno what shop uh . (Mee) && thx Grace'Twinnie for e present . <333 Luvvdieeyouu man ! Hahas , sian . Nw very tired .

Brand new everything . (:
Manage t woke up @ 6.50 ' *Claps ~ Hy called me . && meet Jaslyn & Calyn hse dwnstairs and head t sch . Skipped Netball and went t work . (Books Cashier) It was alrights man -.- Lunch Lao ban niang treat mac for 23 students . (Cheer for him !) Hahas .

After that get pay , thn hsh . (: Tmr working till 2 , as meeting mummy go shopping (: Hehes . && thx Jacelyn for e present . Luvdieyou . & thx haoboon for that spongebob . (: (i dun hav any white shirt man ! , dk what t wear tmr ' hellxzx ! )

Alone .
Once i think what you did t me . I will be lik super angry . Ah ! Really hope you could disapear into pieces or jus get out off my life . (once and for all .) Tryin t act infront of everyone wearing a silly mask . Acting cute -.- . And letting me to see your (mask-less) face . It's terrible , nt jus terrible is worst and the worst ! Yah , you're so great @ acting man ! *Lik shyt .

Vending out all my anger on this post . Feeling so much better .

(Click for clearer image.)
Was chatting w Brian , down there kip say who pig :X Hahas , thn compare our art . Hahas , admit lah ' his art better thn mine . hehes . Thn talk till lik 5++ , me go makan le . & he also go out . Jiu bo chat le . Hahas . (:

Bitterheart , my bitterheart .
Actually didnt went t work . Morning hy called me , say auntie wan me go , cause nt enough people . thn i was lik ' okay ~ Thn faster wake up prepare . Thn reach there around 8.45 . Start work ! Suppose t end @ 12 , ite become 2 . -.- Thn head t gp ' mac makan . Thn after that raining , -.- so went t hy hse lend umbrella . Jiu faster chiong home .

Reached home , bathed thn comp . (:

Life's really boring ~
Today didnt went t work . So woke up @ 9 ' today . OMGXZX ~ nvr imagined i was able t woke up @ 9 (laughs ! ) Thn went t cousin hse . Had lunch , thn 7-11 t buy makan things (: Thn played w small cousin , hahas ' she sibei cute hao bu hao ! Thn dinner @ her hse , & hsh .

Sigh ~ Netball training's starting nxt week again . aw ! Hope training ends soon man ! & i wan a new HANDPHONE !! my phone button spoilt le -.- Damn ! Hope daddy's / mummy's / sister's plan reached . I wana change a new plan t unlimited sms (:

15 Dec 2009 ;
Hy text me , as i cant woke up . Thn prepared for sch . Reached sch , start work . Ah , today was tiring man ! Moving all those uniform , frm e bookshop t e class . *(Trolley provided) Hm , thn we mak wrongly e table , so 'OT' , around 2++ , gt break first .

Thn walk t gp w hy & Sherlyn . Thn lunch @ mac ' sherlyn went off . Thn finish lunch . Meet those boys ' thn head bk t sch tgt . Reach sch , thn wait auntie come . Jiu re-arrange e tables -.- Around 4 finish . Thn hsh (:

16 Dec 2009 ;
Today received msg from hy say ' auntie will b late . So decided t sleep again . :X Thn awhile le jiu wake up , thn prepare . Reached sch @ 8.20 . Auntie came @ 8.30 ?? i tink 0.o Thn start work ! Moved all e books , & pack pack pack . RAWR ~ tired lah . Thn woke till 2.30 , jiu hsh le (: hehes .

Jackie , Panda , Tienmin , Cheryl , me , Pearlyn .
Pearlyn , Cheryl , me , Tienmin , Jackie , Panda .
Whole family pic ! (:

Family Pic <3>Makan pic !

Pic's when playing .

Panda & Jackie act fight fight (:
Ytd , morning went t woke till 12 . Thn reached home , prepare for party . thn 4 meet Cheryl & Panda opposide sch . Thn went t meet Pearlyn . Jiu went bk home first . Cause tm they all still @ jp -.- Reached home , comp . Thn ,Pearlyn & me , go play piano . ((: Cheryl down there tak pics .

Thn 5++ tm & jackie come le , jiu hav dinner . Eat finish le , jiu went go play . True / Dare , Blind mice , Catching ...... Lik children niah :X Thn around 8++ go in hse again . Jiu use comp . thn those two boys lik siao , down there read storybook . LOL ? All e girls dwn there use com . (:

thn around 10 , jiu cut cake . Pic time !!! Thn eat cake , goodie bags & they all went home . Left w our relatives . Thn we down there tak pic . (: Didnt post as it was @ my another relative's phone . Thn open present (: ...... & they went home around 1 .

Firstly : Thx mum & dad for preparing all those foods for my party . You're had a hard time in e afternoon ! & thx , i luv you all ttm !~ <3
& thx Ahyi , YiZhang , Ahma , Jiujiu & pei pei jiejie for e Hongbao (:
1.Thx Sis & Zhanhao for e 'Sch bag & Hairband . 'iluvit^^ttm !
2.Thx Cheryl for e cute lil cup - Iluvit lots !
3.Thx Panda for e Purse . ' iluvit lots (:
4.Thx Pearlyn for e Spongebob Pic & e bear . Iluvit alot !!
5.Thx TienMin for e purse & e top . 'iluvit !! ((:
6.Thx Jackie for e Top . (: luvit lots .
7.Thx Jingjie for e top's . i luv it too . (:
8.Thx Hongyin for e Bearbear ! <3
9.Thx Jaslyn for e Eeyore ! <33>
10.Thx Calyn for e Necklace ! <33
11.Thx Zolyn for e LipGloss ! <33

&& Happy birthday Jiawei'Tangguo . Mus stay happy & shuai oh ! ^^

From : Cheryl'mama blog !
tmr , qoinq t see my nuer lerhs !
decided t qive her a cup , cus she 's in netball , traininqs are
sumtimes tirinq , want t qive her a cup t let her rmb
t drinks lots of water ! ; ) i have been thinkinq what t buy this
few days . Decided on cup , hope she can drink lots of
water lorhs ; )
omg , so gan donq can ! (: Really luv diee my mama manxzx ! hehes :$ Btw , today woke @ 7.50 , rushed for training . woots ! nxt week no training . Cant wait for tmr . Hais . so tired .

If you're nt e one .
Today woke up @ 7.50 was lik , late ? & rushed t sch . Reached le , start work work . Work till 2 , thn head home . Piano ' Lunch . Tired , Msn w Panda . && ....

2 more days , counting down ! woots ~ (:

Today's traning was lik LOL , yah .. i guess those girls - xin li qing chu . Yah , whats e point of it man -.- Forget it . Was quite tired , ended w Court game ' played WD - defend Yuli . After training , hsh . Lunch (:

3 more days ' counting down ' woots ~ (:


Today cant get up , aw ' thn rushed t sch for training . Training started , didnt hav runs today , as there were nt much people (: Normal runs , warm-up , ball-passes , Wall-Ball ? , HighBall , 4 corners , Court-game & poison ball . Tio hit dun hw many times -.- LOL , btw Jaslyn ' hitted on e eye , hope you're fine (:

After sch , head downstair bike again . LOL ? Saw Netball girls . After that head t 7-11 , thn hsh :D After dinner , meet sis ' thn head t jp . She bought my birthday present (: OMG ~ i luv it manxzx & luvdieeyouu sister <33 , shop around thn hsh . Tmr hav training again ' aw ! Im working tmr . Alrights , im tired ' bye .

Why mus you treat me this way .
Sian , today go work ' thn hy go malaysia ' ps me . -.- thn rs leg injured - hm tc ah ! (: Heng gt kimberly (: && others . Was late by 15 mins today for work :X ops ! hehes , mayb tmr nt working . Today after work , hsh . Thn lata went downstair bike (: well , idk hw t bike ' so.. jaslyn bike me (: hahas ! it was super fun niah . We were lik ' omg , whee ~ ahh ! ~ ' hahas , cute niah .

Around 5 jiu head home . Thn bath , dinner & comp . (:

It always happen when i wanted t giv you up .
Today morning woke @ 2 , thn lunch . Afternoon head out w parents t temple , ahma's hse and IMM ' buy birthday e stuffs (: Msn w Panda - lac lah k ? You also knw her attitude niah . & luvdieeyous ! Jio panda pei me play maple . hehes ' & nw dl-ing . Currently ' 66% .

Ah , Luo Zhi Xiang ish luv-ed man ! Today woke up late , so was late for work . Ops ! Work untill lik 12+ , thn mac @ gp w Calyn . Thn around 2+ hsh . (: Ytd night accompanied sis watch ' Hi my Sweetheart & i cried thrice . OMG ~ so touching man .

To : rachel'hunney - hm , enough lik nu ren (girl) ? hahas ! :X

Today was nearly late for training . Bt training was nt as tough as before . Did e sprint , run thing . me & jaslyn gt first . (: hahas , grats us ' Chey ! Thn was staircase . Thn Push-up & Star-jumps . Thn headed t work . Work till 2 , thn hsh .

Today late , hy came my hse . Thn i was still preparing :X hehes , thn rushed t sch . Today packed books , done in 1 hr - Claps ! * hahas , thn after work rushed home , 'lunch thn piano lesson . (: Thn com-ed .

RAWR , stop denying it !

1.Are you single?
yah .
2.Are you happy?
Alrights (:
3.Are you bored?
Yep .
4.Are you fair?
Erm , sometimes :X
5.Are you indian?
I nt indian (:
6Are you stupid?
Er , mayb ?
7.Are you honest?
Eh .. hahas .
8.Are you irish?
huh .
9.Are you nice?
Yep , ofcourse (:
10.Are you asian?
Er , what is asian ah ? hehe .

Ten facts.

Full name: Chia Rachel .
Nickname: -
Birthplace: Hospital .
Hair colour: Black-brown .
Eye colour: Black .
DOB: 15.12.96 .
Mood: Tired .
Favourite colour: Gold (:
One place you wished to visit: idk .

Ten facts about your love.

1.Been in love?
2.Believe in love in first sight?
Could be .
3.Currently you have a crush?:
Er ... hahas .
4.Hurt emotionally before?
Yeah .
5.Broken someone's heart?:
Erm , i think so .
6.Have your heart broken?
hahas . (:
7.Like someone but kept in heart?
Can say so .
8.Are you afraid of commitment?
What's that ?
9.Last person you hugged.
Er , forget :X
10.Last person you said ILY into his eyes.
nobody :X

This or That.

Love or lust: Love ' - what's lust ?
Cats or dogs: Dogs .
Best friends or regular friends: Best friends -.-
Creamy or crunchy: Crunchy
Pencil or pen: Pen .
Wild night out or romantic in: romantic (:
Money of happiness: Happiness .
Night or day: Night
IM or phone: phone .

Have you ever.

Been caught sneaking out: No ?
Seen a polar bear: Yah .
Done something you regret: Er , yah .
Eat food that is on the floor?: No ~
Eat an entire Jaw breaker?: No ~
Been caught naked: No !~
Wanted bf/gf back?: Er ... (:
Cried because losing a person: Y.. (:

Preference of love.

Smile or eyes: Eyes .
Light or dark hair: Light hair .
Hugs or kisses: Kisses :X
Shorter or taller: Taller .
Intelligence or attraction: Attraction .
Violent or pathetic: none :X
Older or younger: Older .
Outgoing or quiet: Outgoing .
Sweet or bad: Sweet .
Performed in a large crowd? No .

Talk on the phone longer than a hour: Yah .
A rock concert: No .
Cheerleading team: No .
Dance team: Yah .
Sports team: Yah .
Drama play or production: Nope .
Owned rich cars: No .
In a rap video: No !
Last thing you did. : Typing words ?
Last call you made: Today ?
Hugged: (:
Hung out: Hy .
Work: Sch 'bookshop .
Talked to: Friends .
You IM'ed: huh ?
Texted: JJ .
Movie: 2012 .

Tag 5 people to do this.
5 pigs , thx (:

Maple (:
Woke @ 7.30 , meet hy , training till 10.30 , today's training had e spring , run , spring , run thing . So hate it can ? Thn after training went t work . Today panda got come buy books , but tio by (OM) -.- LOL ! power lah , his father go scold e (OM) , nice one . (: Thn panda @ sch outside , thn call me talk talk . Cute lah him !

After work , hsh (: ' i updated my blog ' guys - && LRS (:


I'm the kind of girl, you won't want to mess around with.

April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 December 2009 January 2010 February 2010 March 2010 April 2010 May 2010 June 2010 July 2010 August 2010 September 2010 October 2010 November 2010 December 2010
